Dataset of land surface temperature, near-infrared and short-wave infrared reflectance for estimation of water availability in vegetation
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Holzman, Mauro
Rivas, Raúl Eduardo
Pasapera, José
The vegetation water status is a crucial variable for modelling of drought impact, vegetation productivity and water fluxes. This file contains a detailed method and measurements of LST, NIR and SWIR reflectance of soybean, corn and barley taken in field campaigns in central Argentine Pampas and laboratory with a ST PRO Raytek (8-14µm) and a spectrometer SVC HR-1024i (0.35 and 2.5 µm). Also, data relative water content of leaves was measured in laboratory during the dehydration process. This dataset could be also used for researching. This dataset contains measurements of LST, NIR and SWIR reflectance of soybean, corn and barley taken in field campaigns in central Argentine Pampas (La Campana, 37°17' S, 58°56' W) and laboratory with a ST PRO Raytek (8-14µm) and a spectrometer SVC HR-1024i (0.35 and 2.5 µm). Also, data of relative water content of leaves measured in laboratory during the dehydration process are included.