La discusión en torno al tratado Fundamentum naturae quod videtur physicos ignorasse y De docta ignorantia II: Un aporte al estado de la cuestión
2019Registro en:
Rusconi, Maria Cecilia; La discusión en torno al tratado Fundamentum naturae quod videtur physicos ignorasse y De docta ignorantia II: Un aporte al estado de la cuestión; Mimesis Edizioni; 2019; 257-292
Rusconi, Maria Cecilia
In 1995 Maarten J. F. Hoenen has published an article entitled “Ista prius inaudita”. Eine neuendeckte Vorlage der Docta ignorantia und ihre Bedeutung für die frühe Philosophie des Nikolaus von Kues“. The expresion “Ista prius inaudita” is a quotation from chapter 11 of Book II of De docta ignorantia: “Corollaries regarding motion”. In his paper Hoenen tells us about an anonymous treatise entitled: Fundamentum naturae quod videtur physicos ignorasse, preserved in the Cod. St. 687 of the University of Eichstätt, ff. 4r-10r. The treatise reproduces with some variations chapters 7-10 of the De docta ignorantia II. Hoenen’s discovery has opened a debate about the relationship between both works. In this paper I will describe the current state of the art about the problem. I will first present the subject addressed in chapters 7-10 of De docta ignorantia II. Secondly, I will summarize Hoenen’s thesis in order to show his position regarding the problem. Thirdly, I will present the different reactions in favour or against Hoenen’s thesis. Finally, I will offer some contribution to the described state of art.