Warbler and Rraven: Bioacoustics in R
2021Registro en:
Warbler and Rraven: Bioacoustics in R; Meeting of the American Ornithological Society and the Society of Canadian Ornithologists; Estados Unidos; 2021; 9-9
Benitez Saldivar, Maria Juliana
The R package warbleR aims to simplify the analysis of the structure of acoustic signals in R, and Rraven connects Rand the commonly used Raven Sound Analysis software. warbleR was developed by Marcelo Araya-Salas and GraceSmith-Vidaurre; and Rraven was written by Marcelo Araya-Salas. warbleR includes a wide range of functions foracoustic structure analysis. This package has a clear workflow that streamlines visualization of spectrograms andmeasurement of acoustic parameters. The Rraven package eases the exchange of data between R and Raven, andincludes functions to effortlessly import and relabel Raven selection tables that can be input into multiple warbleRfunctions for analysis. In addition, selection tables can be exported from R to Raven. This talk will provide examplesof warbleR specific tools such as downloading avian vocalizations from the online repository Xeno-Canto, andcreating maps of recording locations. Other useful functions for exploring and comparing spectrograms will also be included.