Alloxan diabetes
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Houssay, Bernardo Alberto; Alloxan diabetes; Canadian Medical Association; Canadian Medical Association Journal; 56; 5; 1947; 519-523
Houssay, Bernardo Alberto
The intravenous injection of alloxan induces a triphasic modification of the blood sugar level; (a) initial hiperglicemia; (b) secondary hypoglycemia; and (c) final hyperglycemia. The liver is essential for the initial hyperglycemia since this does not appear in hepatectomized dogs or toads or in eviscerated dogs. The initial hyperglycemia was observed in dogs after splanchnicectomy in adrenalectomized dogs or toads but not in adrenalectomized rats. In the dog the injection of alloxan produces a rise in blood pressure which is not due to the liberation of adrenaline as shown by suprareno-jugular anastomosis (Houssay and Rapela, unpublished data).