Use of a CPWL Approach for Operativity Analysis: A Case Study
2001-02Registro en:
Raspanti, Carlos; Figueroa, Jose Luis; Use of a CPWL Approach for Operativity Analysis: A Case Study; Planta Piloto de Ingeniería Química; Latin American Applied Research; 31; 2; 2-2001; 73-78
Raspanti, Carlos
Figueroa, Jose Luis
The operating point of a chemical process is usually computed by optimizing an steady-state objective function, e.g., the profit, subject to some characteristics of the plant. Typically, the resulting point lies on the boundary of the oerating region. Then, the presence of disturbances can easily cause constraint violations. Thus, it is necessary to move the operating point away from the active constraints into the feasible region (back-off). The magnitude of this back-off has direct economical meaning, The purpose of this paper is to analyze the dynamic operability and performance of a steam generating unit using a Canonical Piecewise Linear approximation, The motivation for this analysis is the large operating cost involved in the operation of this equipment and the need to satisfied specific energy demands.