Description of Larva and Pupa of Psorophora (Grabhamia) dimidiata (Diptera: Culicidae) and Redescription of the Adult Female and Male
2022-07Registro en:
Stein, Marina; Bangher, Debora Natalia; Laurito, Magdalena; Visintin, Andrés Mario; Rossi, Gustavo Carlos; et al.; Description of Larva and Pupa of Psorophora (Grabhamia) dimidiata (Diptera: Culicidae) and Redescription of the Adult Female and Male; Oxford University Press; Journal of Medical Entomology; 59; 4; 7-2022; 1308-1318
Stein, Marina
Bangher, Debora Natalia
Laurito, Magdalena
Visintin, Andrés Mario
Rossi, Gustavo Carlos
Almiron, Walter Ricardo
Psorophora (Grabhamia) dimidiata Cerqueira (1943) was described based on the adult female and male. Later, descriptions of the male and female genitalia were published by Lane (in Neotropical Culicidae, vols. I & II. Editora da Universidade de São Paulo, S. P., Brazil, 1953) and Guedes et al. (in Catalogo ilustrado dos mosquitos da coleção do Instituto Nacional de Endemias Rurais. I. Gênero Psorophora Robineau-Desvoidy, 1827. Rev. Bras. Malariol. Doencas Trop. 12: 3-24; 1965), respectively. Here we describe the pupa and fourth-instar larva and redescribe the adult male and female genitalia and female cibarium. All stages (except the egg) are illustrated. Unambiguous recognition is provided. Distinctions from Ps. cingulata (Fabricius) and possible phylogenetic relationships are discussed.