An experimental investigation on noisy intermittency
2019Registro en:
Del Rio, Ezequiel; Elaskar, Sergio Amado; An experimental investigation on noisy intermittency; Politechnika Łódzka; 1; 2019; 97-108
Del Rio, Ezequiel
Elaskar, Sergio Amado
Intermittency is a route to chaos when transitions between lami-nar and chaotic dynamics occur. The main attribute of intermittency is the reinjection mechanism, described by the reinjection probability density RPD), that maps trajectories of the system from the chaotic region into the laminar one. Results on chaotic intermittency depend on the RPD, that was taken as a constant. Recently, a generalized no uniform RPD has been observed in a wide class of 1D maps, hence the intermittency theory has been generalized, including the classical one as a particular case. Noise has an impact on the intermittency phenomena and the generalized RPD introduces a novel scenario because it is affected by the noise. An analytical approach was introduced to estimate the noisy RPD. In this work, by using the Poincaré map, we apply our noisy theory of 1D maps to an experimental continuous system. We foundthat noisy data provides a description of both, noisy and an ideal noiseless system. We found that the response to the noise of the experimental Poincaré map is different than the obtained by numerical simulations.