Dominant-subordinate social interactions and subordinate behavioral responses in the primitively eusocial sweat bee Augochlora phoemonoe (Hymenoptera: Halictidae)
2018-12Registro en:
Dalmazzo, Maria de Los Milagros; Roig Alsina, Arturo Hernan; Dominant-subordinate social interactions and subordinate behavioral responses in the primitively eusocial sweat bee Augochlora phoemonoe (Hymenoptera: Halictidae); Springer; Apidologie; 49; 6; 12-2018; 852-861
Dalmazzo, Maria de Los Milagros
Roig Alsina, Arturo Hernan
Social interactions are studied in colonies of eusocial Augochlora phoemonoe, reared in artificial nests in the laboratory. Three kinds of behavioral interactions are distinguished between foundresses and daughter bees: antennation-tarsation (the most frequent), passing, and tandem-running following. Most interactions were started by the foundresses towards daughter bees. First-brood daughter bees displayed high frequencies of specific responses, indicating that these interactions function as behavioral mechanisms of colony integration in this eusocial augochlorine. Antennation-tarsation stimulated daughter females to collect pollen in a high percentage of cases and to get involved in construction activities in a lower percentage. After passing, daughter bees began nest construction activities in a high percentage of cases, and after tandem-running following, they were induced to guard the nest in a high percentage of cases. Locomotion had no specific relationship with any interaction. The behavioral responses were not related to the age of daughter females.