A Taxonomic Revision of Heterosperma (Asteraceae: Coreopsideae)
2019-11Registro en:
Freire, Susana Edith; Lizarazu, Mabel Angela; A Taxonomic Revision of Heterosperma (Asteraceae: Coreopsideae); Missouri Botanical Garden; Annals of The Missouri Botanical Garden; 104; 4; 11-2019; 633-663
Freire, Susana Edith
Lizarazu, Mabel Angela
The New World genus Heterosperma Cav. is circumscribed to include 11 species: H. achaetum S. F. Blake, H. diversifolium Kunth, H. ferreyrii H. Rob., H. mexicanum (A. Gray ex S. Watson) Lizarazu & S. E. Freire, H. nanum (Nutt.) Sherff, H. ovale S. F. Blake, H. ovatifolium Cav., H. pinnatum Cav., H. spathulatum S. F. Blake, H. tenuisectum (Griseb.) Cabrera, and H. trilobum S. F. Blake. Heterosperma is described as having a usually herbaceous habit, pinnatisect or entire leaves, radiate capitula, and heteromorphic cypselae. The following taxa are newly synonymized: Coreopsis L. sect. Anathysana S. F. Blake with Heterosperma; H. maritimum Kunth var. hirsuta Hieron. with H. ovatifolium; and H. maritimum var. latifolia Hieron. with H. spathulatum. Lectotypes are here designated for H. maritimum var. hirsuta, H. pinnatum var. typicum Kuntze, H. tagetinum A. Gray, H. spathulatum, and H. maritimum var. latifolia. A key to the species of the genus is provided, as well as morphological descriptions, illustrations, and distribution maps. A detailed morphological study of trichomes and pappus is also presented.