Multiresolution schemes for time-scaled propagation of wave packets
2015-04Registro en:
Frapiccini, Ana Laura; Hamido, Aliou; Mota-Furtado, Francisca; O’Mahony, Patrick F.; Piraux, Bernard; Multiresolution schemes for time-scaled propagation of wave packets; American Physical Society; Physical Review A: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics; 91; 4; 4-2015; 1-10
Frapiccini, Ana Laura
Hamido, Aliou
Mota-Furtado, Francisca
O’Mahony, Patrick F.
Piraux, Bernard
We present a detailed analysis of the time-scaled coordinate approach and its implementation for solving the time-dependent Schrödinger equation describing the interaction of atoms or molecules with radiation pulses. We investigate and discuss the performance of multiresolution schemes for the treatment of the squeezing around the origin of the bound part of the scaled wave packet. When the wave packet is expressed in terms of B splines, we consider two different types of breakpoint sequences: an exponential sequence with a constant density and an initially uniform sequence with a density of points around the origin that increases with time. These two multiresolution schemes are tested in the case of a one-dimensional Gaussian potential and for atomic hydrogen. In the latter case, we also use Sturmian functions to describe the scaled wave packet and discuss a multiresolution scheme which consists of working in a Sturmian basis characterized by a set of nonlinear parameters. Regarding the continuum part of the scaled wave packet, we show explicitly that, for large times, the group velocity of each ionized wave packet goes to zero while its dispersion is suppressed, thereby explaining why, eventually, the scaled wave packet associated with the ejected electrons becomes stationary. Finally, we show that only the lowest scaled bound states can be removed from the total scaled wave packet once the interaction with the pulse has ceased.