New advances in the mathematical modeling of the continuous bulk process for the production of high-impact polystyrene using multifunctional initiators
2019-03Registro en:
Laganá, María Laura; Berkenwald, Emilio; Acuña, Pablo; Enríquez Medrano, Javier; Morales, Graciela; et al.; New advances in the mathematical modeling of the continuous bulk process for the production of high-impact polystyrene using multifunctional initiators; John Wiley & Sons Inc; Polymer Engineering and Science; 59; s2; 3-2019; 231-246
Laganá, María Laura
Berkenwald, Emilio
Acuña, Pablo
Enríquez Medrano, Javier
Morales, Graciela
Estenoz, Diana Alejandra
New advances in the mathematical modeling of the bulk continuous high-impact polystyrene (HIPS) process are presented. The model consists of three modules that allow the simulation of: (1) a polymerization reactor train, (2) a devolatilization (DV) stage, and (3) structure–properties relationships. The model is based on a kinetic mechanism that includes thermal initiation, chemical initiation by sequential decomposition of a multifunctional initiator, propagation, transfer to monomer, transfer to rubber, termination by combination and re-initiation, as well as high temperature crosslinking and oligomer generation reactions. The present model is comprehensive from a kinetic perspective, since it can be used to simulate a HIPS process using initiators of any functionality and structure. The model is adjusted and validated using previously unpublished experimental data for bulk continuous HIPS polymerization in a pilot-scale plant. The experimental work includes a series of polymerizations using three different multifunctional initiators: (1) luperox-331 M80 (L331), (2) pinacolone diperoxide, and (3) diethyl ketone triperoxide. The pilot plant comprised the main stages of an industrial HIPS process: prepolymerization, finishing and DV. Theoretical results show a good agreement with the experimental measurements. POLYM. ENG. SCI., 9999:1–16, 2018.