The inflorescences structure of Cyperus L. section Luzuloidei Kunth (Cyperaceae)
2008-03Registro en:
Guarise, Nicolas Javier; Vegetti, Abelardo Carlos; The inflorescences structure of Cyperus L. section Luzuloidei Kunth (Cyperaceae); Springer Wien; Plant Systematics and Evolution; 271; 1-2; 3-2008; 41-63
Guarise, Nicolas Javier
Vegetti, Abelardo Carlos
In the present work the inflorescences of 12 species of Cyperus sect. Luzuloidei Kunth sensu Kükenthal were analyzed using the methodology and terminology of Troll's school. All the inflorescences studied are polytelic (indeterminate). The inflorescences are anthela-like or capitate, and can be terminal or pseudolateral. Below the main florescence a paracladial zone is present. In this zone three types of branching were observed, i.e. normal, accessory-axillar and prophyllar branching, whose position vary among the different species. In the paracladial zone a subzone of long paracladia and a subzone of short paracladia were observed. In the short paracladial subzone the spikelets are clustered in fascicles, which can be serial, prophyllar or mixed. Variation in length and position of pherophylls, length of prophyll, number and degree of branching were noticed. The systematic value of the inflorescences in the section Luzuloidei is discussed.