Age determination of captive Chilean Flamingo (Phoenicopterus chilensis) chicks based on plumage characteristics
Criterios para determinar la edad de pollos de Flamenco Austral (Phoenicopterus chilensis) en cautiverio basadas en características del plumaje
2018-05Registro en:
Chiale, Maria Cecilia; Montalti, Diego; Maragliano, María Graciela; Age determination of captive Chilean Flamingo (Phoenicopterus chilensis) chicks based on plumage characteristics; Neotropical Ornithological Society; Ornitología Neotropical; 29; 5-2018; 107-110
Chiale, Maria Cecilia
Montalti, Diego
Maragliano, María Graciela
Many aspects of the breeding biology of the Chilean Flamingo (Phoenicopterus chilensis) are still unknown. We studied captive breeding Chilean Flamingos at La Plata Zoo, Buenos Aires, Argentina between February and July 2014 to document chick‐aging methods based on molt and coloration of bare parts, such as beak and legs. The development of young was divided in three age categories: 1. Chick (less than 15 days old), with white down and salmonpink beak and red coral legs. 2. Pre‐juvenile (1?3 months old), birds covered with gray down (due to a combination of a double down coat) and when the white down falls, a brownish down coat is more evident. In this stage, the beak had darkened and the legs turned dark gray. 3. The last category is the juvenile (4?5 months old), characterized by the presence of vaned feathers, dorsal feathers are pale brown with a dark raquis, underparts are white and inner coverts have a pale‐salmon coloration; the beak is curved and has a blueish base with a charcoal gray tip and legs are pale gray. The information presented in this study may help to age young Chilean Flamingos in the wild.