Palynological analysis of the genus Dryopteris Adans. (Dryopteridaceae) in Argentina
2020-08Registro en:
Gorrer, Daniel Alejandro; Ramos Giacosa, Juan Pablo; Giudice, Gabriela Elena; Palynological analysis of the genus Dryopteris Adans. (Dryopteridaceae) in Argentina; Academia Brasileira de Ciencias; Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias; 92; 2; 8-2020; 1-12
Gorrer, Daniel Alejandro
Ramos Giacosa, Juan Pablo
Giudice, Gabriela Elena
The spore morphology and wall ultrastructure of Dryopteris filix-mas, D. patula and D. wallichiana from Argentina were studied using light microscope, scanning and transmission electron microscope. The study was carried out with herbarium material from Argentine institutions. Equatorial diameters, polar diameters and laesura length were measured. The spores are monolete with rugate ornamentation. The folds are short to long, inflate, irregular in shape and size, and varying from subglobose to elongate. The perispore surface is rugulate. The exospore of all the species analyzed is two-layered in section. Simple and branched channels are also present. The perispore is composed of two layers, the inner one forms the ornamentation and the outer covers all the outer and inner surfaces. Some abnormalities, such as globose, triangular or twisted spores were observed. The morphology and ultrastructure of the species are very similar. The differences observed are related to the length and thickness of the perispore folds. The characteristics of these spores would not provide relevant information to differentiate species or sections within the genus, but they could be useful for futures phylogenetic studies, as well as for alterations in the biological cycles.