Las aventuras de una soprano italiana en América del Sur: Adelina Agostinelli (1882-1954)
2020-07Registro en:
Ceva, Mariela Gisela; Las aventuras de una soprano italiana en América del Sur: Adelina Agostinelli (1882-1954); Fondazione Centro Studi Emigrazione; Studi Emigrazione; 219; 7-2020; 351-369
Ceva, Mariela Gisela
Towards the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th, Italians arrived in Argentina. Most of them were peasants, farmers and industrial workers, but there were also entrepreneurs, professors and artists. All of them looked for the opportunities that perhaps, they did not find in their country of origin. Among them, some women start an international career dedicated to music.Few are the researches who have studied the problem of female migration and even less those that have deepened the transatlantic mobility of professional women. In this case, the insertion of an Italian soprano, Adelina Agostinelli, will be analyzed in a wider group of artists related to the world of opera. For this, it is necessary to access the problem from different national and regional spaces and from different sources: theater archives and local and international newspapers.