Cooling of Siamese fighting fish Betta splendens (Teleostei, Osphronemidae) embryos at low temperatures
2021-08Registro en:
Macoretta, Christian Leandro; Miranda, Leandro Andres; Cooling of Siamese fighting fish Betta splendens (Teleostei, Osphronemidae) embryos at low temperatures; Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science; Cryobiology; 101; 8-2021; 78-86
Macoretta, Christian Leandro
Miranda, Leandro Andres
The Siamese fighting fish (Betta splendens) has great importance as an ornamental aquarium fish as well as laboratory model species. Due to its rapid development, a cooling-embryo protocol could provide some advantages in their transportation, embryonic synchronization, and optimization of hatcheries. In this context, this work aimed to develop a protocol to storage B. splendens embryos at two temperatures (5 and 14 °C), testing three cryoprotective solutions (S1: 0.5 M sucrose, 1.5 M methanol; S2: 0.25 M sucrose, 0.75 M methanol; and S3: 0.125 M sucrose, 0.375 M methanol) and evaluating the quality of the larvae obtained. Moreover, a method to isolate the embryos from the bubble nest constructed by the male and to incubate them without parental care was applied in this study. The cooling assays were done using embryos of 24-h-post-fertilization at 26 °C and the results demonstrated that it is possible to store these embryos deprived of cryoprotectants at 5 °C for at least 6-h without negative effects. Meanwhile, S2 and S3 were the most suitable solutions for its storage for 9-h at 5 °C or 24-h at 14 °C, obtaining 77% hatching and 52% normal larvae in the first case or 88% hatching and 81% larvae with mild abnormalities in the second one. Indeed, type and frequency of larval abnormalities were evaluated and, remarkably, a partial recovery was described on malformed larvae from embryo cooled at 14 °C. Finally, this work is the first report about the cooling of B. splendens embryos and establishes the conditions for further studies on this field with this species.