Una aproximación al narrativismo de Alasdair MacIntyre en “Ethics in the conflicts of modernity: an essay on desire, practical reasoning and narrative”
A critical approach to alasdair macintyre’s narrativism in “ethics in the conflicts of modernity. na essay on desire, practical reasoning and narrative”;
Uma aproximação ao narrativismo de alasdair macintyre em “ethics in the conflicts of modernity. na essay on desire, practical reasoning and narrative”
2020-01Registro en:
Juri, María Agustina; Una aproximación al narrativismo de Alasdair MacIntyre en “Ethics in the conflicts of modernity: an essay on desire, practical reasoning and narrative”; Universidade Federal de São Paulo; Prometeica; 20; 1-2020; 46-55
Juri, María Agustina
En el presente trabajo nos proponemos analizar la nueva aproximación al narrativismo que realiza Alasdair MacIntyre en su último libro: Ethics in the Conflicts of Modernity. An Essay on Desire, Practical Reasoning and Narrative (2016). En primer lugar, realizamos un recorrido histórico por las obras más significativas en las que MacIntyre desarrolla su visión del narrativismo en primera instancia: After Virtue. A Study in Moral Theory (1981), Whose Justice, Which Rationality? (1988) y Three Rival Versions of Moral Enquiry. Enciclopaedia, Genealogy and Tradition (1990). En segundo lugar, intentamos explorar la reincidente problemática de la narratividad en la obra del 2016 para explicar cómo exhibe un agente neoaristotélico la racionalidad y cómo justifica sus juicios a través de una narrativa. Además, exploramos por qué la narrativa cobra más protagonismo en esta obra que la noción de tradición y evidencia una mayor relación con el telos de la vida humana. También, señalamos una reafirmación de la posición macinteryana desde el aristotelismo frente a los ahora denominados expresivistas. The aim of this article consists in analyzing Alasdair MacIntyre’s new approach to narrativism in his most recent work: Ethics in the Conflicts of Modernity An Essay on Desire, Practical Reasoning and Narrative (2016). In the first place, we make a historical review through the most relevant MacIntyre’s Works on narrativism: After Virtue. A Study in Moral Theory (1981), Whose Justice, Which Rationality? (1988) y Three Rival Versions of Moral Enquiry. Enciclopaedia, Genealogy and Tradition (1990). Secondly, we explore the problem of narrativity that appears again in the work of 2016 to explain how does a Neoaristotelian agent exhibit his own rationality and how does he justify his judgements through a narrative. Also, we explore why narrative is more important than the concept of Tradition in this work and is more related to the telos of human life. Finally, we emphasize the the macintyrean position against the now called expressivists.