New Windows based Color Morphological Operators for Biomedical Image Processing
2016-05Registration in:
Pastore, Juan Ignacio; Bouchet, Agustina; Brun, Marcel; Ballarin, Virginia Laura; New Windows based Color Morphological Operators for Biomedical Image Processing; IOP Publishing; Journal of Physics: Conference Series; 705; 1; 5-2016; 1-11
Pastore, Juan Ignacio
Bouchet, Agustina
Brun, Marcel
Ballarin, Virginia Laura
Morphological image processing is well known as an efficient methodology for image processing and computer vision. With the wide use of color in many areas, the interest on the color perception and processing has been growing rapidly. Many models have been proposed to extend morphological operators to the field of color images, dealing with some new problems not present previously in the binary and gray level contexts. These solutions usually deal with the lattice structure of the color space, or provide it with total orders, to be able to define basic operators with required properties. In this work we propose a new locally defined ordering, in the context of window based morphological operators, for the definition of erosions-like and dilation-like operators, which provides the same desired properties expected from color morphology, avoiding some of the drawbacks of the prior approaches. Experimental results show that the proposed color operators can be efficiently used for color image processing.