High-resolution conodont biostratigraphy from the Darriwilian Stage (Middle Ordovician) of the Argentine Precordillera and biodiversity analyses: a CONOP9 approach
2019-04Registro en:
Serra, Fernanda; Feltes, Nicolás Alexis; Albanesi, Guillermo Luis; Goldman, Daniel; High-resolution conodont biostratigraphy from the Darriwilian Stage (Middle Ordovician) of the Argentine Precordillera and biodiversity analyses: a CONOP9 approach; Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc; Lethaia; 52; 2; 4-2019; 188-203
Serra, Fernanda
Feltes, Nicolás Alexis
Albanesi, Guillermo Luis
Goldman, Daniel
Ordovician conodonts have been extensively documented in the Argentine Precordillera, providing a robust database for a diverse set of palaeontological studies. Despite the numerous studies, the published taxonomy and stratigraphical ranges, data remain contradictory for particular time intervals. Data from a new conodont collection from the Gualcamayo Formation exposed at the Cerro La Chilca section, and new information on the occurrence and ranges of species from the Las Chacritas and Las Aguaditas sections are presented herein. We used a computer-assisted numerical sequencing program (CONOP9) to construct a composite stratigraphical range chart from data of 57 conodont species in four sections from the Argentine Precordillera. The identified zones of Lenodus variabilis, Yangtzeplacognathus crassus, Eoplacognathus pseudoplanus and Eoplacognathus suecicus allowed us to verify and adjust the biostratigraphical scheme for the Darriwilian of the Central Precordillera. Additionally, species of the genera Histiodella, namely Histiodella sinuosa, Histiodella holodentata, Histiodella kristinae and Histiodella bellburnenisis, enable a reasonable correlation between the Histiodella-based zonation and the Baltoscandian zonation. Conodont diversity is evaluated using conventional measures (total diversity and normalized diversity) and an interval-free approach with CONOP9 software. Our data show a positive pattern in conodont diversification, increasing rapidly through the L. variabilis to the Y. crassus zones and reaching a peak in the E. pseudoplanus Zone. When analysing diversity fluctuations with respect to the environmental changes within the depositional basin, migrations in and out of the basin related to local sea level fluctuations appear to be an important process driving the conodont diversity pattern in the Precordillera.