Micropropagación de vid: protocolo para variedades criollas
2005-12Registro en:
Guiñazú, Mónica Elizabeth; Ponce, María Teresa; Guzmán, Javier; Juarez, Daniel Eugenio; Cirrincione, Miguel Angel; Micropropagación de vid: protocolo para variedades criollas; Universidad Nacional de Cuyo; Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo; 37; 2; 12-2005; 93-103
Guiñazú, Mónica Elizabeth
Ponce, María Teresa
Guzmán, Javier
Juarez, Daniel Eugenio
Cirrincione, Miguel Angel
Las variedades europeas han sido propagadas eficientemente a partir de estacas nodales en medio de Galzy 1964 modificado, sin embargo las variedades criollas no han muestran un buen rendimiento en ese medio. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar el medio de cultivo mas adecuado para las variedades criollas de vid. Los resultados obyenidos indican que el medio para la micropopagación de las mismas es Murashige Skoog 1962 con macronutrientes diluidos a la mitad y solidificado con agar agar. European grape varieties are efficiently micropropagated through single node cuttings in modified Galzy medium (GM). On the contrary, the "criollas" varieties have not performed well in this medium. The purpose of this work was to evaluate the "criollas" varieties Cereza, Criolla Chica, Criolla Grande, Pedro Giménez and Torrontés Riojano, in full and half strength modified Galzy (GM) and Murashige-Skoog (MS) solid and liquid media. Paper bridges and vegetal sponge were evaluated in liquid media. Nodal segments and shoot tips were used as initial explant. In solid media, differences in survival were found between varieties but explant type did not affect this variable. Plants from shoot tips and both explants in MS ½ grew significantly more than in the rest of the treatments. In liquid medium, vegetal sponge was detrimental for both explants. With paper bridge support the best result was obtained with shoot tips cultured in ½ MS. The results suggest that the best medium for the micropropagation of "criollas" grape varieties from both explants is solid MS ½ medium.