Susceptibility of the floodwater mosquito Aedes albifasciatus from eggs of different dormancy times to the nematode parasite Strelkovimermis spiculatus
2020-07Registro en:
Di Battista, Cristian Matias; Fischer, Sylvia Cristina; Campos, Raul Ernesto; Susceptibility of the floodwater mosquito Aedes albifasciatus from eggs of different dormancy times to the nematode parasite Strelkovimermis spiculatus; Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc; Medical and Veterinary Entomology; 7-2020; 1-8
Di Battista, Cristian Matias
Fischer, Sylvia Cristina
Campos, Raul Ernesto
This study aimed to evaluate the effects of egg dormancy times on susceptibility of larvae of the floodwater mosquito Aedes albifasciatus (Diptera: Culicidae) to parasitism by their natural enemy Strelkovimermis spiculatus (Nematoda: Mermithidae) and on their life history traits. Aedes albifasciatus eggs stored for 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 months were hatched, and the larvae either exposed to S. spiculatus (treatment group) or not exposed (control group). Egg dormancy time had a negative effect on the retention of parasites, but no effect on the prevalence and intensity of parasitism or the melanization of nematodes. The survival to adulthood of control individuals decreased as dormancy time increased, whereas that of exposed individuals that remained uninfected was constant and low. A trend towards increasing development times with longer dormancy times was detected in the control group, but not in the exposed noninfected group. The results suggest nonconsumptive effects of parasites in exposed but not infected larvae from eggs with short dormancy times. In contrast, the relatively low fitness of larvae from eggs with long dormancy times regardless of their contact with the nematodes may be the result of the nutritional deprivation during the egg stage.