Los municipios argentinos ante la descentralización del Estado y la integración mercosureña
The argentinean municipality facing the State decentralization and the Mercosur integration
2004-12Registro en:
Urriza, L. M. (2004). Los municipios argentinos ante la descentralización del Estado y la integración mercosureña. Revista de ciencias sociales, (15), 167-186.
0328-2643 (impresa)
2347-1050 (en línea)
En este artículo se pasa revista acerca del estado de la cuestión respecto a la importancia que reviste el Mercosur en los municipios argentinos y de cómo influye la descentralización de los mismos en el desarrollo nacional e interregional. This work deals with two interrelated items: the municipal decentralization in Argentina during the ’90 decade and the integration in the Mercosur. In the case of decentralization, is vital to compare this process as a differentiation from the European and United States cases, because in Argentina the decentralization was more a result of the implementation of structural economical measures than a political plan articulated from the government. As a different process, the integration in the Mercosur is built from the subnational units as a tool that allows the canalization of local demands, through a bigger participation of the actors in the different levels of the public administration related to the integration process. The importance of the Red Mercociudades shows clearly this tendency.