The Effect of Genre-based Instruction on the Teaching of Business Report Writing
Trebucq, María Dolores
The present study investigates the application of Genre Theory to the teaching of
business report writing to university students. Five instructors, three raters and five
groups of learners attending the fourth semester of a six-stage Business English course
participated in this study. Three intact classes were randomly selected for the
experimental group (EG) and two for the control group (CG).
Each group was administered a pre-test requesting learners to write a business
assessment report. The EG then received a four-week instruction period following the
principles of a genre-based approach. The CG underwent no treatment. After the period
of instruction, a post-test requesting the same task as the pre-test was administered to
both groups.
Three independent raters scored the reports using a five-band scale adapted for
this study. The quantitative data collected from the tests were analyzed using the
Wilcoxon Rank Sums and the Cohen's Simple Unweighted Coefficient statistical tests.
Scripts were also analyzed for code associations using the AQUAD.5 (Analysis of
Qualitative Data) software. The information gathered was triangulated with the data
provided by questionnaires administered to students and interviews held with
Results support the hypothesis that genre-based instruction enhances the written
production of Business English learners with an intermediate English proficiency.