dc.contributorUniversidad Virtual
dc.creatorMoral Rondero, Javier Alejandro del
dc.description.abstractISIS Institute was in the need of developing an Electronic Commerce Course for Executives as there were not currently available ones in the country. This will be the fourth of the five Professional Skills Courses of the lsis Institute 2nd Renaissance S M Business Curriculum for Digital Network & Information Systems for Executives. In this thesis qualitative method was used in order to know the different points of view of what should be included on the course and in what order. There were interviews and surveys to many people in order to know what kind of things they might know for defining strategies, critical success factors, plans and finally implement electronic commerce on their businesses or companies. Information was also collected with emails, discussion groups as well as reading many books, magazines and Internet information. This thesis contribution is the course outline definition for Electronic Commerce issues that an executive that may does not know about technical issues, must know in order to be a change agent for defining strategies as well as a team to accomplish v Electronic Commerce implementation with success. At the moment of this thesis, there are no currently available 12 weeks courses for executives related to Electronic Business and Commerce in the country (there are all related to IT professionals). Besides the Course Outline, 700 pages of handouts material has been defined as well as 6 compact discs and several case studies.
dc.publisherInstituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey
dc.titleElectronic commerce course definition for ISIS Institute
dc.typeTesis de Maestría

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