dc.contributorRomero Díaz, David
dc.contributorRodríguez, Ciro
dc.contributorVázquez, Elisa
dc.creatorGonzález Chávez, Clarissa Alejandra
dc.description.abstractIn the last years, the Service Sector has received increasing attention from both academics and practitioners. The transition from traditional manufacturing to service-integrated systems has given place to the “servitisation revolution”, which today, is a relevant revenue generator not only for companies, but also, for societies. The definition of “Product-Service Systems” calls for value-generation through market expansion, by the addition of competitive advantages to previous companies’ offerings. This solution has been recognized for being one of the most efficient techniques towards the achievement of resource-efficient and sustainable economies. PSS has grown beyond expectations, becoming a common term among publications of the most recognized academic institutions and a highly discussed topic across a broad range of geographically diverse organizations. However, recent literature suggests analysing the compatibility of PSS with other tools, methodologies and principles, which may help enhance the intrinsic environmentally sustainable advantage that belongs in its first definitions; but that has, unfortunately, faded through time. This research attempts to do so; to analyse how Product-Service Systems can benefit from Circular Economy and Lean principles. In this first attempt, non-systemized, although valuable, literature was found. Through this research work, a Systematic Literature Review is developed to identify, through an objective quantitative and qualitative analysis, those tools, principles and methodologies which can modify each stage of a PSS. Furthermore, a first Circular Lean Product-Service System Design Framework is proposed and extensively described. This framework is validated empirically through a Case Study supported by two vessel-building companies. Further research is required to validate the proposed framework among different industries with a higher involvement in the CLPSS design.
dc.publisherInstituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey
dc.rightsOpen Access
dc.titleA circular lean product-service systems design framework: motivations, drivers and constraints
dc.typeTesis de Maestría

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