dc.contributorTecnológico de Monterrey
dc.creatorCastañeda Garza, Gerardo
dc.description.abstractAccording to a study done by the insurance company AXA, even 30 years have passed since the earthquake of 1985 in the surroundings of Mexico City, the culture of insurance has no showed significant steps. As consequence, until 2015 the percentage of properties insured against natural disasters increased from 3% in 1985 to 5% in 2015. In numbers, this means that in Mexico City, only 150,000 houses are insured against a total of 2.5 million uninsured (AXA Mexico, 2015). In an effort to promote the education of insurance and natural disasters in Mexico, an instructional design was developed during a course in the graduate School of Humanities and Education at the Tecnologico de Monterrey. Two stages were considered for this study: a survey and an online course proposal. The survey consisted in 14 questions and included questions related between insurance and general knowledge of risk disaster (specifically, earthquakes). The survey was applied in March 28, 2019 through a convenience sample of habitants in Mexico City. Data as gender, age and region in the city were asked, as well about previous experiences with natural disasters. A total of 91 participants completed the survey. Results presented an interest scenario: Only 1 of 4 participants could affirm that their house is insured, however, only 20% of the participants affirm to understand the terms and conditions of their insurance policy. Participants as well found difficult to understand other topics as safety regulations for construction, risk areas or the average price of a natural disasters’ insurance for homes. In this work, we present more detail about our results, and a first theoretical proposal of how to educate people through an online course about home insurance and natural disasters.
dc.rightsOpen Access
dc.titleHouse of cards: A diagnosis of needs and a proposasal of an instructional design for home insurance and natural disaster education
dc.typeArtículos de Conferencias / Conference Articles

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