Management for the development of social housing. The 100% subsidized housing projects Plaza de la Hoja and Villas de San Pablo in Colombia
Bedoya-Ruiz, Angela
Agudelo-Rodríguez, Carlos
Ramos-Calonge, Helmuth
Juliao-Vargas, Clara
Social housing is conceived as a critical element in the urban integration processes of either social or economically vulnerable homes. However, the policies and programs for social housing provision stand in an ambiguous position because they simultaneously aim for social goals and strive for economic growth by promoting the construction sector. The latter contributes to the disconnection between its provision and processes of spatial planning that usually require a long-term vision. The following article reflects on planning and its role in social housing provision, toward the definition of variables that could be considered for different projects. Two Colombian social housing projects of the “Vivienda Gratuita” housing program are analyzed to study these issues. The study concludes that social housing management must be conceived integrally, simultaneously involving actions in three fronts: interinstitutional and multilevel coordination, planning and land management instruments, and monitoring of benefited households.