Tesis de maestría
Resiliencia después del desastre. La comunidad del barrio Los Pinos de Mocoa Putumayo, tras el desastre socio natural de marzo de 2017
Resilience after the Disaster. The Community of the Los Pinos neighborhood of Mocoa Putumayo after the Socio-Natural Disaster of March 2017
Juagibioy Revelo, Juliana Mildreth
<p>ocurrida en marzo de 2017, se determinaron los principales factores que han marcado la construcción de resiliencia en torno al conocimiento del riesgo, la preparación ante eventos, la acción política, incidencia política, proceso de afrontamiento y proceso adaptativo. Lo cual permite enfatizar en la construcción de la resiliencia teniendo como referencia el enfoque de libertad y desarrollo de Amartya Sen, orientado al fortalecimiento de las capacidades humanas y en este caso particularmente a la capacidad colectiva de las comunidades de resistir, sobreponerse y reconstruirse ante la adversidad. Ante las amenazas naturales y situaciones de vulnerabilidad que se presentan en el municipio de Mocoa en el presente informe de investigación también se evidencia la necesidad del fortalecimiento de las capacidades de planificación y gestión del riesgo.</p> Through the case study on the process of building resilience in the face of the socio-natural disaster of the torrential avenue of the community of the Los Pinos de Mocoa Putumayo neighborhood after the tragedy that occurred in March 2017, the main factors that have marked building resilience around knowledge of risk, preparation for events, political action, political advocacy, the coping process and the adaptive process. This makes it possible to emphasize the construction of resilience, having as a reference the focus of freedom and development of Amartya Sen, oriented to the strengthening of human capacities and in this case particularly to the collective capacity of the communities to resist, overcome and rebuild before the adversity. Given the natural hazards and situations of vulnerability that occur in the municipality of Mocoa, this research report also shows the need to strengthen planning and risk management capacities. Through the case study on the process of building resilience in the face of the socio-natural disaster of the torrential avenue of the community of the Los Pinos de Mocoa Putumayo neighborhood after the tragedy that occurred in March 2017, the main factors that have marked building resilience around knowledge of risk, preparation for events, political action, political advocacy, the coping process and the adaptive process. This makes it possible to emphasize the construction of resilience, having as a reference the focus of freedom and development of Amartya Sen, oriented to the strengthening of human capacities and in this case particularly to the collective capacity of the communities to resist, overcome and rebuild before the adversity. Given the natural hazards and situations of vulnerability that occur in the municipality of Mocoa, this research report also shows the need to strengthen planning and risk management capacities.