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Cannabis y sus extractos: potencial de crecimiento exportador para el sector farmacéutico colombiano
Blanco Contreras, Tifanny
Vásquez Mariño, Melany Juliana
<p>La industria del cannabis y sus extractos es bastante controvertida a nivel mundial y representa una contribución importante para el desarrollo de nuevos medicamentos en el sector farmacéutico durante los últimos años. En Colombia, la legalización de la planta se dio recientemente, por lo que a partir de esto surgieron empresas interesadas en ingresar a esta industria, con el fin de potencializar la ventaja comparativa de Colombia y así sumar a uno de los rubros más importantes del sector farmacéutico en el país. Sin embargo, con el fin de determinar esta oportunidad de crecimiento para el sector y las prácticas que están desarrollando las empresas para que esto ocurra, se desarrolló una metodología consecuente con el tipo de investigación cualitativa, abordando un método inductivo y así mismo de alcance exploratorio ,</p> The cannabis industry and its extracts is quite controversial worldwide and represents an important contribution to the development of new medicines in the pharmaceutical sector in recent years. In Colombia, the legalization of the plant occurred recently, so that from this arose companies interested in entering this industry, in order to enhance the comparative advantage of Colombia and thus add to one of the most important items in the sector Pharmacist in the country. However, in order to determine this growth opportunity for the sector and the practices that companies are developing to make this happen, a methodology was developed that is consistent with the type of qualitative research, addressing an inductive method and also an exploratory scope. , where from the results, it is possible to diagnose the current situation of the plant in the world and in Colombia, as well as to organize and identify the strategies, procedures, similarities and differentials between the companies participating in the research, all this with the Accompaniment of an expert opinion, with whom we finally made a series of recommendations about the current situation of cannabis in Colombia, the behavior of companies and how they should align their perspective with the current situation, as it is clear that we are facing a market interesting to tackle, but for the raid on it to be a success of international stature l, companies must have exhaustive prior preparation, so that in the medium and long term they achieve their objective of excelling in the internationalization of products