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Suplementación con yuca y follaje de yuca Manihot esculenta crantz en ganado doble propósito en época de verano
Pérez López, Carlos
Yépez Florez, Álvaro
<p>Se evaluó el efecto de la suplementación con yuca y follaje de yuca en vacas en segundo tercio de lactancia durante un período de tres meses. Se determinó la producción y calidad de leche, condición corporal y días abiertos de las vacas. Se evaluaron 3 tratamientos y 8 réplicas por tratamiento. El grupo T1 recibió 2 kg de yuca y 5,6 kg de follaje de yuca, el grupo T2 recibió 2 kg de concentrado comercial, y el grupo T3 no suplementado, solo pastoreo. Durante los dos primeros meses de investigación no se encontraron diferencias significativas con los suplemento (T1) Y (T2), con respecto al grupo control (T3), ya que todos mantuvieron sus condiciones corporales. Encontrando diferencias en el tercer mes en donde los animales suplementados mostraron mejor condición corporal respecto a los no suplementados. No se encontraron diferencias significativas en la producción y calidad de leche por efecto de la suplementación. El efecto más importante se encontró en los días abiertos de las vacas, el grupo suplementado con yuca presentó un índice de fertilidad de 100% a los 150 días, 75% para los animales suplementados con concentrado y 25% para los animales no suplementados. Se concluye que el follaje de yuca y yuca implementado como suplemento constituye una alternativa viable para el consumo de las vacas doble propósito por la respuesta positiva en la reducción de los días abiertos comparados con el promedio nacional.</p> This study was made in the small town of San Juan Nepomuceno – Bolivar, where cows that had calve were feeded with yuca, yuca leaves and concentrate It was made in three groups with eight repetitions that were in the second third of lactation during a period of three months the treatments were designed with the purpose of measuring certain changeable patterns as production and quality of the milk, body condition and the opened days, the offered levels of yuca supplements were 2 Kg and of yuca leaves were 5.6 Kg (T1), concentrate 2 Kg (T2), in contrast with another shepherding group not supplemented (T3) The gathering information was determine depending on the changeable patterns, the daily production of milk, monthly body condition, and monthly quality of the milk and opened days, with a reproductive check up. During the first two months of research there wasn’t found any significant diference with the supplements (T1) and (T2), in relationship with the control group (T3), therefore all of them maintained their body conditions. Finding differences in the third month were the supplemented animals that showed less tired out in the body conditions. At the end of the project (three months) there was made a last test, where all the animal got very tired out, because the intensity of summer was higher, We could visualize that the supplemented animals had better body conditions than the witness group. In the production and quality of the milk during the test period, in where we made the supplementations, there wasn’t found any big differences between the supplemented groups (T1) and (T2), in relationship with the witness group, because we didn’t find positive answers. In the production of the milk it doesn’t have the same shocking answer related with the costs of the production, statistical non significant (P > 0.05) there was found that Supplementations with yuca leaves and yuca didn’t have differences between the cows supplemented with concentrate and the shepherding ones. With the reproductive checkups it was valued that the animals supplemented with yuca leaves and yuca showed a positive answer in this treatment thus at the end of the investigation (three months) every cow showed fertility rate of a 100% in less than 150 days, in contrast with other treatments were the animals showed a variety in there open days, with pregnancy rates of 75% for the supplemented animals with concentrate (T2) and 25% of pregnancy for the non supplemented ones. It was conclude that the yuca leaves and yuca used as a supplement, constitutes an positive alternative for the cow consume, double purpose in consequence of the positive answer in the reduction of the open days in contrast with the national average.