Conference Proceeding
Auto-tuning pid based on extremum seeking algorithm for an industrial application
Arias-Patiño, A.
Zapata-Lombana, A.
Salazar-Caceres, F.
Bueno-López, Maximiliano
The PID controller implementation on the industry is an active area of study, however, according to the technique used is possible not having optimal and good performance due to the difficulties in the process identification and parameter tuning of the system since there is no full information of the industrial process. In last years PID auto-tuning methodologies have been developed which let synthesize efficient polynomial controllers because the parameters, generally, are optimal in some sense. In this paper is showed a PID auto-tuning through Extremum Seeking algorithm (ES) in a flow control plant implemented with blocks programming in a programmable logic controller (PLC), this block system acquires input signals obtained by the plant sensors, in this case, a flow sensor, consequently a control signal is sent to the variable frequency drive of the pump system, the objective control is to maintain the flow constantly through the system in the desired reference. In the following section the block diagram of the controlled system is presented, the auto-tuning ES algorithm, the simulation results, and the real-time implementation on the industrial process, finally, some conclusions and final implementation comment considering some future work is developed.