LQR and SMC control applied to pendular platforms
Arévalo-Castiblanco, Miguel F.
Rodriguez-Garavito, C. H.
Patiño-Forero, Álvaro A.
Salazar-Cáceres, José F.
A pendular platform is a robotic structure commonly used in the design of controllers given its nonlinear dynamics; This work presents the modeling, design and implementation of an optimal LQR controller and a Sliding Mode SMC controller applied to two commercial platforms, the Quanser rotary inverted pendulum (RotPen) and the Lego mobile inverted pendulum (NxtWay). The contribution of this work is to present a methodology of implementation of LQR and SMC controllers on pendular platforms, attending the respective restrictions of hardware and software in commercial prototypes. The article presents the behavior of the controller designed on the analytical model compared to its implementation.