Characterization of hygiene habits and environments in children's care homes
Soto Lesmes, Virginia Inés
Gómez Ramírez, Olga Janneth
Parrado, Yaneth Mercedes
Hernández-Rodríguez, Patricia
Gomez, Arlen Patricia
Objective: Identify the hygiene habits of children and caregivers in order to prevent and control infectious diseases in care environments in Bogotá, Colombia, as well as characterize the surface bacteria in these environments. Method: Instruments were designed, validated and applied to evaluate healthy habits, with samples taken from surfaces in kitchens, bathrooms, halls, mats, and tools in 230 locations. Th e isolated bacteria were classified using automated methodologies. Results: A total of 699 bacteria were isolated, with the largest growth percentage found in kitchens (36%). Th ese results are contrary to what was observed, where most of the kitchens appeared to be clean. In the survey, 93% of the caregivers reported washing their hands before handling food, and 23% said they used personal protection items when handling food. Conclusion: Th ere is a need for monitoring and interventions in hygiene and care habits in environments that care for children.