Conference Proceeding
Accurate measurement of discharge in fluids using tracers
Constain, Alfredo
Carvajal, Jairo
Many developments of modern fluid technology depend on an accurate knowledge of discharge. Usually one of the methods used to this purpose is to inject a conservative tracer upstream and measuring it downstream on the channel. The law of mass conservation may give the discharge value by means of integration of concentration curve in time at the measuring site. However, to be accurate, this measurement has to be done when the tracer has filled completely the cross section of flow. This condition is not easy to know because until today there are not analytic models to apply, only statistical or semi empirical. The purpose of this paper is to discuss a new transport model which may give information about the "complete mixing" condition by means of a thermodynamic function associated to dispersion of the tracer. This function that describes the evolution of plume as a whole, takes a certain value when the tracer reach the lateral walls, indicating that in this condition, the discharge measurement would be very accurate because the tracer fills all volume passing through. Also, in this paper are described a hardware-software tool used to measure this process in a real time fashion. This technique would be used in contamination studies but may be extended to another fields of fluid mechanics in which are important to know when this special condition occurs, as in hemodynamic for example. A practical application of tool in fluvial field is presented herein.