Evaluation of viral agents in wild birds of the middle-east of Colombia
Vargas-Castillo, Laura
Soler-Tovar, Diego
Gómez, Arlen Patricia
Santander, Andrés Felipe
Benavides, Efraín
Villamil-Jiménez, Luis Carlos
In Colombia, reports of disease-causing virus strains on poultry have concerned the food industry, due to the risk cross-species transmission of diseases. The goal of this study was to evaluate the presence of Newcastle Disease (ND), Gumboro Disease (IBD), Avian Infectious Bronchitis (IB) and infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT) viruses by serological and molecular techniques in wild birds Fómeque and Choachí, Cundinamarca, in the Eastern Andes of Colombia. All samples were negative to the genome of the viruses evaluated by molecular techniques. In the serological results, titers against NDV were detected in the pool of sera from two of the farms, suggesting a possible contact of the wild birds with the virus, despite not detecting the genome in the samples; therefore, wild birds may not represent a potential risk of transmission of these diseases for poultry production in this region.