Electroencephalographic source localization based on enhanced empirical mode decomposition
Bueno-López, Maximiliano
Munoz-Gutierrez, Pablo A.
Giraldo, Eduardo
Molinas, Marta
In this work, a novel identification method of relevant Intrinsic Mode Functions, obtained from Electroencephalographic signals, by using an entropy criteria is proposed. The idea is to reduce the number of Intrinsic Mode Functions that are necessary for the electroencephalographic source reconstruction. An entropy cost function is applied on the Intrinsic Mode Functions generated by the Empirical Mode Decomposition for automatic IMF selection. The resulting Enhanced Empirical Mode Decomposition is evaluated in simulated and real data bases containing normal and epileptic activity by means of a relative error measure. The proposed approach shows to improve the electroencephalographic source reconstruction specifically for epileptic seizure detection.