dc.contributorAvila Vilchis, Juan Carlos
dc.creatorSanchez Delgado, Carlos Alberto
dc.descriptionIn robotics, locomotion is a fundamental task for the development of high-level activities such as navigation. For a robotic system, the challenge of evading environmental obstacles depends both on its physical capabilities and on the strategies followed to achieve it. Thus, a robot with the ability to develop several modes of locomotion (walking, flying or swimming) has a greater probability of success in achieving its goal than a robot that develops only one. In nature, Hymenoptera insects use terrestrial and aerial modes of locomotion to carry out their activities. Mimicry the physical capabilities of these insects opens the possibility of improvements in the area of robotic locomotion. Therefore, this work seeks to generate a bio-inspired robotic system that integrates the terrestrial and aerial modes of locomotion. The methodology used in this research project has considered the anatomical study and characterization of Hymenoptera insects locomotion, the proposal of conceptual models that integrate terrestrial and aerial modes locomotion, the construction of a physical platform and experimental testing of the system. In addition, a gait generation approach based on an artificial nervous system of coupled nonlinear oscillators has been proposed. This approach has resulted in the generation of a coherent and functional gait pattern that, in combination with the flight capabilities of the system, has constituted an aero-terrestrial robot. The results obtained in this work include the construction of a bioinspired physical platform, the generation of the gait process using an artificial nervous system and the experimental tests on the integration of aero-terrestrial locomotion.
dc.descriptionConacyt - Becario Nacional
dc.publisherUniversidad Autónoma del Estado de México
dc.subjectBioinspired robotic system
dc.subjectAerial and terrestrial locomotion modes
dc.subjectNonlinear oscillator-based gait generation
dc.subjectResearch Subject Categories::TECHNOLOGY
dc.titleIntegration of aerial and terrestrial locomotion modes in a bioinspired robotic system
dc.typeTesis de Maestría

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