"In this thesis we present an ab initio study of the optical response in bulk semiconductors and their surfaces using the local density approximation to the density functional theory under the approach of pseudopotentials and allelectron schemes. In the first part of the thesis we present a study of the nonlocal effects in the optical response due the use of density functional theory within local density approximation and the errors introduced by the use of pseudopotentials. We obtain the linear and nonlinear optical susceptibility tensors including the scissors approximation within the formalisms of velocity-gauge and length-gauge by solving the density matrix equation of motion and using a perturbative technique. These two formalisms are equivalent and they are related by a gauge transformation. When the calculation is done under the velocity-gauge formalism, we show that new terms coming from the nonlocal scissors correction appear. These terms, not considered before in the literature, are crucial in order to obtain gauge invariance.
In the second and third part of the thesis we present the study of the optical injection of electric current and the optical injection of spins, for several semiconductor surfaces. We present new expressions that describe both phenomena that take into account the layer-by-layer contribution of any surface. The last part of this work is devoted to the study of optical spin injection in stressed bulk Si and bulk GaAs. This is of great technological importance since Si is nowdays the quintessential semiconductor of the electronic industry. It is shown that one can inject up to 75% of spins with the appropriate stress. This means that Si could be used to build spintronic devices."