A rede social DRS do Banco do Brasil : os laços que sustentam a estratégia negocial DRS
2018-12-17Registro en:
LOHMANN, Renato Alfredo. A rede social DRS do Banco do Brasil: os laços que sustentam a estratégia negocial DRS. 2018. 124 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Sociologia) - Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Instituto de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Cuiabá, 2018.
Paese, Joel
Paese, Joel
Rodrigues, Francisco Xavier Freire
Sant Ana, Ana Paula
The objective of this dissertation is the meaning as transcurrent of the process of creation and
implementation of the regional development strategy. From the theories of the Actor-Network
(Callon, Latour and Law, mainly) and the theory of the Laudes Fracas, they seek a creation of
the social network DRS and how they constitute the social bonds between the actors that
constitute a network and were carried out by the same community of the community of Imbê,
municipality of Poconé - MT. The formation of social bonds, targeting the time of
relationship, emotional intensity, motivation and autonomy to create strong bonds? And the
weak ties, how important is it to the network? Do the conflicts, always present in social
relations, have a greater impact on the social ties between the DRS social network actors and
have "broken" some of these links? The final answers throughout the research, but in the end
we were somewhat predicted, with respect for the strength of weak ties and their linearity.
Based on a social network DRS with comprovated the case of the actions and actions of social
social based in the consumer strategy by NEGOCIAL DRS of the BB that back your heart of
your sustainability issue, where the success of hum The entrepreneurship must attend, like
economic, social, environmental and cultural issues, in other words, socially just,
environmentally sound and related to cultural diversity. Discover the central actor of the
network, which is the role initially, be exercised by BB, did not consolidate. In the same way
that we verified a social network DRS of Imba was created with great wishes and the systems
were not able to change this dynamic. But our aim, the great point of view was a discovery on
the aspect of "relationship time", which had as its founder the theory of a large number of
people and which is not an indispensable element for determining the strength of a social
bond .