Quilombo Mutuca : devoção e dádiva na festa de santo
2018-02-28Registro en:
ALMEIDA, Paulina Silva de. Quilombo Mutuca: devoção e dádiva na festa de santo. 2018. 132 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Estudos de Cultura Contemporânea) - Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Faculdade de Comunicação e Artes, Cuiabá, 2018.
Menendez, Larissa Lacerda
Menendez, Larissa Lacerda
Leite, José Carlos
Senra, Ronaldo Eustáquio Feitoza
In Mato Grosso, the quilombos emerged in different historical periods and in various
ways. Nowadays, the state has almost seventy areas certified by the Fundação
Cultural Palmares as being lands traditionally occupied by quilombolas. Among the
lands certified by the foundation, is the quilombo of Mata Cavalo. The quilombo of
Mata Cavalo is located in the county of Nossa Senhora do Livramento, it’s formed by
the quilombolas community of Aguassú,Ourinhos /Ponte da Estiva, Mata Cavalo de
Baixo, Mata Cavalo de Cima, Capim Verde e Mutuca, being this last community ,
place of our study. In Relation to the local culture, the religious celebrations or “Festa
de Santo” become one of the main manifestations. Our study analyzes by means of
qualitative research the centennial family celebration dedicated to São Benedito, São
Gonçalo and Nossa Senhora de Aparecida. Firstly we describe the formation of the
territory as a quilombola community. Posteriorly we check the origin of the
celebration, which actors involved and which roles they play. We identify the
participation of people outside the community and their roles in this context. Finally
we seek to describe and analyze the processes and rituals that make up the
celebration. Through field research and data analysis, it was possible to conclude
that devotion and gift system permeate the celebration all the time and that there is
insertion of new elements to meet the different demands of the public that appreciate
the celebration.