A formação do professor experiente no Projeto OBEDUC e os reflexos em suas práticas a partir das percepções dos professores iniciantes
2019-04-03Registro en:
OLIVEIRA, Elizabete Gaspar de. A formação do professor experiente no Projeto OBEDUC e os reflexos em suas práticas a partir das percepções dos professores iniciantes. 2019. 103 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Instituto de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Rondonópolis, 2019.
Rocha, Simone Albuquerque da
Rocha, Simone Albuquerque da
Carvalho, Ademar de Lima
Passos, Laurizete Ferragut
Garske, Lindalva Maria Novaes
This research is inserted on the Post-Graduate program in Education (PPGEdu) from the
Federal University of Mato Grosso, University Campus situated in Rondonópolis
(UFMT/CUR), following the research line of Teachers’ formation and Educational public
policies. The study aims to analyse how senior teachers and beginner teachers give new
meanings to their comprehension about the assistance to the beginner teacher. The assistance
was created from the participation, of both, on the continuing education on a collaborative
relation between University – School, from the OBEDUC/UFMT/CUR Project. The first
years of teaching are full of doubts, anxieties, fears, adjustments, interactions and decisions
taking when it comes to the teaching career. Feelings that can be comprehended when the
beginner teacher has some support from the senior teacher. In this research, this teacher is the
pedagogical coordinator. The guiding questions were: How does the beginner teacher develop
the senior’s teacher job on his/her practice, after attending the OBEDUC/UFMT/CUR
Project? In which way does the senior teacher notice herself/himself during the process of
following the beginner teacher from the education offered by the OBEDUC/UFMT/CUR
Project? The approach used was qualitative and the gathering of data came through narrative
interview with two beginner teachers and two senior teachers who attented the education
offered by the project. The data was analysed following the line: Senior teachers’ and
beginner teachers’ perception about the assistance on the pedagogical teaching. The data
revealed that although senior teachers have more time on the area, they show difficulties when
dealing with the beginners demands. Another point revealed was that the request of senior
teachers to guide and assist the beginners was answered positively by OBEDUC, with very
good results.