Possibilidades e limites do controle social no Conselho Distrital de Saúde Indígena – CONDISI Cuiabá
2016-10-07Registro en:
FLORENTINO, Silmara Andrade. Possibilidades e limites do controle social no Conselho Distrital de Saúde Indígena – CONDISI Cuiabá. 2016. 111 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Instituto de Educação, Cuiabá, 2016.
Secchi, Darci
Secchi, Darci
Castilho, Suely Dulce de
Ferreira, Waldinéia Antunes de Alcântara
This paper presents an analysis of the possibilities and limits of social control in the
Indigenous Health District Council in Cuiabá (CONDISI), having as parameter the
social control notions and the coloniality of power, being and knowledge. Health
councils have become strategic mechanisms to guarantee the democratization of the
decision-making power in the Subsystem of Indigenous Healthcare. These health
councils should play an important role to guarantee the effective participation of the
indigenous people in the decision-making process. A deep reflection on the nuances of
this proposal is essential. The challenges faced and the possibilities of active presence of
the actors in the construction of the democratic process must be evaluated, highlighting
the discussion on the need of empowerment and autonomy of indigenous people that
use the Subsystem. In this conjuncture, the Special Indigenous Sanitary District of
Cuiabá can be seen as an unique strategy for the encouragement, empowerment and
autonomy, since it provides a more active participation in decision-making. Given this
assumption, the study aims to analyze the manifestation of the coloniality in the
experience of social control via Indigenous Health District Council and to understand
the social representation of users of the Special Health District in the city of Cuiabá. To
develop this study the minutes of regular and special meetings of the CONDISI, the
analysis of laws, ordinances and resolutions related to social control, and bibliographic
sources and academic papers related to Social Control and coloniality were used. The
study points out that the way colonialism is currently expressed in the effectiveness of
social control makes this exercise difficult, since laws, resolutions and norms are not
enough, it is necessary to enable the objective conditions to exercise the representation.
Among the forms of colonial control, the coloniality of knowledge that characterizes the
modernity imposes the eurocentric thinking and disregards the indigenous cultural
knowledge. It denies the equal dialogue and makes the forms of indigenous people
participation more difficult through the adoption of an operating model less accessible
to indigenous representatives. Despite the difficulties experienced in the daily life of the
councils, indigenous societies support them and consider them an important space for
social control.