Evidências e ausências da lei N.º 11.645/2008 (história e culturas indígenas) em escolas da rede pública de Ji-Paraná, RO
2018-03-14Registro en:
SILVA, Armelinda Borges da. Evidências e ausências da lei N.º 11.645/2008 (história e culturas indígenas) em escolas da rede pública de Ji-Paraná, RO. 2018. 151 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Instituto de Educação, Cuiabá, 2018.
Secchi, Darci
Secchi, Darci
Santos, Sérgio Pereira dos
Neves, Josélia Gomes
Silva, Aparecida Augusta da
The work at hand is an integral part of the studies developed within field of the Social
Movements, Politics and Popular Education line of research of the Post-Graduation Program
in Education (PPGE) of the Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT). It proposes to
analyze, based on the pedagogical practice of public schools of Ji-Paraná, in Rondônia, how
the implementation of law No. 11.645/2008 (history and cultures of the indigenous peoples)
happens in a context of coloniality. To accomplish such task, the dissertation is divided in
four sections. The first three are anchored in a bibliographic review that discusses the current
reality of the region's indigenous peoples and their relationship to school and institutions
brought by modern society. The last section is dedicated to the field results obtained with
teachers and school students of the public municipal schools of Ji-Paraná. The field data were
collected during the months of February to May 2017 using instruments used in a and
Participatory Diagnosis (DRP) (WHITESIDE, 1994), such as semi-structured interviews and
conversation circles, observation of history curriculum classes and analysis of school
documents. The results gathered show an absence of knowledge of the existence of this law
and of specific training to act in that field of education. It was also realized that the
dissemination and implementation policies still need to be intensified and that there is a need
to create new mechanisms to extend the scope of this theme. However, there was a number of
identified promising initiatives developed by teachers when working with indigenous history
and cultures, such as the invitation for members of a local indigenous community to visit the
school and the presentation of videos about the deconstruction of stereotypes and prejudices
children can carry on their imaginary. The knowledge of children expressed in drawings
emphasize the traditional elements of a "generic Indian" with bow and arrowhead, feathers on
head, body paint, thong, bonfire, native hut, etc. Such perception may indicate that, in the
local imaginary, only the peoples or individuals who live in the forests can be considered
indigenous and not those who live in the social and educational daily life of cities. Regarding
textbooks, the use of of small indigenous texts and the mention of several indigenous
brazilian peoples appeared to be positive. The contents of the textbooks contribute to the
consolidation in the application of the law, but the pedagogical action of teachers needs to be
more explicitly in order to relate such content to the local and regional context. In short, the
results indicate that the development of this theme in schools can be improved, with a view to
implementation and consolidation of law No. 11.645/2008 in the school curriculum.