Papel das citocinas IL-4 e IFN-y na viscosidade do sangue de indivíduos infectados por Plasmodium vivax
2015-02-02Registro en:
CANTARINI, Déborah Giovanna. Papel das citocinas IL-4 e IFN-y na viscosidade do sangue de indivíduos infectados por Plasmodium vivax. 2015. 85 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Imunologia e Parasitologia Básicas e Aplicadas) - Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde, Barra do Garças, 2015.
França, Eduardo Luzía
França, Eduardo Luzía
Jordão, Fabiana Morandi
Elias, Rosa Maria
In Brazil, malaria occurs mostly in the Amazon region and is transmitted in most
by Plasmodium vivax. Infections caused by P. vivax has emerged as a potentially
lethal condition, and induces greater production of proinflammatory cytokines
than P. falciparum. Changes in the morphology of erythrocytes, elevation some
biochemical factors and proteins released in the inflammatory process can
promote changes in blood viscosity. Being these factors involved in malaria by P.
vivax, this study evaluates the viscosity changes in infections by this species and
verifies whether increase of Interferon-γ and Interleukin-4, both involved in the
pathophysiology of the disease, have a direct relationship in blood viscosity
profile. The hypothesis is that the increase in cytokine levels can interfere in the
blood viscosity of the host and influence blood flow modification. We used 17
blood samples from symptomatic individuals infected with P. vivax that living in
an endemic area (Porto Velho-RO) and 18 samples from individuals of non
endemic area who had never been diagnosed with malaria, as a control group.
Quantification of cytokines was performed by flow cytometry and measurement
of blood viscosity by rheometry. The hematological parameters of individuals
infected with P. vivax were within the normal reference values. There was no
significant difference in serum levels of Interleukin-4 compared to the control
group, already Interferon-γ presented a significant increase in the infected
individuals. How much the viscosity, both cytokines promoted an increase, but
there was an increase exacerbated in simulations with Interferon-γ, accompanied
of the decrease of whole blood fluidity. The fluidity of the whole blood in the
simulations performed with Interleukin-4 were similar to the control group.
Therefore, it is concluded that the serum elevation of Interleukin-4 does not favor
the occurrence of hemodynamic disturbances in P. vivax infections, while
Interferon-γ can potentially contribute to the occurrence of these disorders and
may be involved in the worsening of the disease.