Entre o oratório e a profissão : formação de professoras na Escola Normal Rural Nossa Senhora Auxiliadora em Porto Velho/RO (1930-1946)
2017-03-29Registro en:
PRADO, Fernanda Batista do. Entre o oratório e a profissão: formação de professoras na Escola Normal Rural Nossa Senhora Auxiliadora em Porto Velho/RO (1930-1946). 2017. 157 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Instituto de Educação, Cuiabá, 2017.
Ferreira, Nilce Vieira Campos
Ferreira, Nilce Vieira Campos
Castilho, Suely Dulce de
Barros, Josemir Almeida
We analyzed the course of creation and implantation of the Escola Normal Rural
NossaSenhoraAuxiliadora- ENRA, that originated in the years of 1930, like Escola Paroquial
and from 1937 until 1946, began to offer the training course for rural normal teachers, with
main objective of investigating how the institution educated the Porto Velho girls. From there,
we analyzed the training courses offered by ENRA in Porto Velho focusing on the Normal
Rural Course offered at the institution from 1937 to 1946. We tried to compose a historical
record of the trajectory of this educational institution, understanding how the schooling of the
students was given and the formation of primary teachers in the ENRA. We have as sources
books ofata and registrations, books of promotions, terms of visits collected in the collection
of the school institution, press and other documents found in the public archives of Mato
Grosso and Porto Velho. Methodologically, we are based on Peter Burke (1992), Marc Bloch
(2002), Michel De Certeau (1982), CarloGinzburg (1989) among other authors, who adopted
the New History assumptions, to represent sources that could by themselves be considered
true or that defined the past as a rigid event that couldn’t be changed. Corroborating the
conception of these authors, Carlos Bacellar (2008) contributed to the understanding that the
documents collected should be analyzed in detail, because the history shouldn’t be seen only
from the whole, but also from the details, events and way of view of each historical subject.
As for the study of Women's History and women's schooling, Guacira Lopes Louro (1997;
2010), Jane Soares de Almeida (1998; 2007) and Michelle Perrot (2007) were essential to
understand the education and training imposed and apprehended by women. The studies of
Ester Buffa and Paolo Nosella (1996; 2009) and Justino Pereira de Magalhães (2004) brought
contributions to understand the history of educational institutions and helped us to define our
categories of analysis. The categories of analysis defined were: the courses, the teachers and
the rules of the school, in which we seek to analyze the conception of education adopted and
practiced for the education of normal rural women in the Institution. An education we have
learned for a long time has been denied to women. When they finally entered educational
institutions, female education was marked by austere control in the name of a supposed
religious and christian morality. The results showed evidence that the institution was
conducted under the dogmas of the solid catholic confessional identity advocated by the
norms imposed by Don Bosco, marked by the submission and acceptance of the Salesian
beliefs. The Filhas de Maria Auxiliadora joined the leaders, who to provide formal and
controlled education for their daughters, and the people of Porto Velho, who wanted to
educate daughters and sons. The institution achieved its goals by educating a generation of
women from the dogmas of catholicism that influenced other generations, in a distant place,
neglected by its rulers. The school quickly became the InstitutoMaria Auxiliadora, still
offering the first levels of education until the last years of high school to a wealthy
PortoVelho social class.