Personalidade de pais e mães envolvidos em casos de alienação parental
2019-02-20Registro en:
JACOBI, Michéli da Silva. Personalidade de pais e mães envolvidos em casos de alienação parental. 2019. 105 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Psicologia) - Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Instituto de Educação, Cuiabá, 2019.
Ribeiro, Rosangela Kátia Sanches Mazzorana
Ribeiro, Rosangela Kátia Sanches Mazzorana
Brito, Thiago Marques de
Resende, Ana Cristina
The theme of parental alienation is often related to marital separation and to family relationships
between parents and children in which a parent, by means of abusive acts, defames, disqualifies
the other parent and manipulates the child agains the other parent. This study had the objective
of investigating the personality of parents involved in cases of parental alienation (possibly
alienating and alienated). The sample was made of 17 parents, divided in two groups regardless
of gender. The alienating suspects formed the G1 (n=09), age group: 23 – 58 years old (AM=
39,5 and SD= 7,87), while the alienated suspects formed the G2 (N=08), age group: 25 – 53
years old (AM= 40,0 and SD= 9,44). For both groups, the sample was made of parents involved
in mediation or in legal proceedings on Mato Grosso Court of Justice (TJMT), in which were
accused or were accusing the other parent of parental alienation, and that were participants of
the “Parents and Children” Workshop of the Permanent Center of Mediation Methods (Núcleo
Permanente de Métodos Consensuais de Solução de Conflitos – NUPEMEC). As instruments
in this study, it was useda semi-directed interview (elaborated by the author), a social
demographic questionnaire and the Rorschach Test following the R-PAS and the Parental
Alienation Scale (EAP). As a result, the majority of the accusations of parental alienation are
against women. On the EAP, there were significant statistical differences between the two
groups and in the total, on the categories of preventing/difficulting and defame/disqualify. In
the Rorschach Test, alienating and alienated suspects presented similarities in indicators of
disturbance of thought, distorted judgment and reality perception and difficulty in relationships,
and reveled that there are diferences between the two groups. The alienating suspects presented
indicators of narcissistic traits, egocentrism and individualistic tendencies. We highlight that
the alienating behavior are related to the psychic functioning of parents in the context of
separation, and not exclusively in a legal proceeding. We concluded that people involved in this
type of situation of judicial conflict are more predisposed to dysfunctional behavior,
disorganization of thought, with propensity to see the obvious and conventional things of reality
in a very personal and misguided way, and also present difficulties in relationships. From this
findings, we highlight that the Rorschach Test can contribute in the personality evaluation of
people involved in cases of parental alienation.