Forrageamento de cupins em diferentes profundidades no solo em povoamentos de Eucalyptus spp., Cuiabá - MT
2012-02-27Registro en:
CASTRO, Cibele Kotsubo da Cunha e. Forrageamento de cupins em diferentes profundidades no solo em povoamentos de Eucalyptus spp., Cuiabá – MT. 2012. 42 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Florestais e Ambientais) - Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Faculdade de Engenharia Florestal, Cuiabá, 2012.
Dorval, Alberto
Dorval, Alberto
Peres Filho, Otávio
Marques, Eli Nunes
The objective of this work was to study the foraging activity of termites in the soil at different depths and their seasonal distribution in plantations of Eucalyptus spp. in the city of Cuiabá, Mato Grosso. The survey was conducted on the Farm Garden during the period June 2009 to May 2010 in plantations of Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Urocam hybrids (Eucalyptus urophylla x Eucalyptus camaldulensis) and Urograndis (Eucalyptus grandis x Eucalyptus urophylla), and MG1277 clones (hybrid Urocam) and GG100 (Urograndis hybrid). To collected the species of termites in the study area were used cellulosic traps (bait) of the type adapted Termitrap
®, and for each environment sampled, there were four baits made with corrugated cardboard wrapped (roulade) packaged in PET plastic bottle type and installed in the following layers: a) at ground level, b) 50cm, c) 100cm and d) 150 cm. The cellulose each trap was added about 100 ml of water. The collections were fortnightly and the material was identified in the Entomological Laboratory of Zoology, University of São Paulo (USP). Statistical analysis was performed by the Zeros Model inflated (ZIP) and seasonal distribution of the species of termites found, correlating with meteorological variables (maximum temperature, mean and minimum relative humidity and rainfall). The total density of 275.589 was collected by the species being composed Heterotermes tenuis (Hagen), which was most abundant representing 96,85% of the total, then the species Parvitermes sp. 1 with 3,13% and 0,02% Nasutitermes kemneri. The seasonal distribution of termites showed a higher number of individuals during the dry season. The correlation was directly proportional to the minimum temperature in the environment and MG1277 in the traps at 100 cm depth, and inversely proportional to the temperature maximum, minimum, average and relative humidity in the environment Eucalyptus camaldulensis hybrid Urocam and Urograndis at depths of 50 and 100cm, with a population peak in March 2010. There was no correlation between termite species in the environment GG100 with meteorological variables. The results of data analysis and the parameters were statistically significant. Comparing the depths analyzed, the number of individuals representing the traps was more than 100cm, while in the installed level of the floor area, was collected amounts of the smaller individuals. In clone Urocam MG1277 was a greater occurrence of individuals in the traps and then the hybrids Urograndis and Urocam in stands of Eucalyptus camaldulensis and Urograndis GG100 recorded the lowest number of individuals collected. The study and knowledge of termite species that occur in plantations of Eucalyptus spp. are extremely important for future decision-making program of Integrated Pest Management (MIP).