Educação integral na escola pública : uma reflexão fenomenológica sobre concepções e vivências no contexto do programa mais educação
2013-05-03Registro en:
PONCE, Carla Sprizão. Educação integral na escola pública: uma reflexão fenomenológica sobre concepções e vivências no contexto do programa mais educação. 2013. 227 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Instituto de Educação, Cuiabá, 2013.
Barros Neta, Maria da Anunciação Pinheiro
Barros Neta, Maria da Anunciação Pinheiro
Passos, Luiz Augusto
Leclerc, Gesuína de Fátima Elias
Beraldo, Tânia Maria Lima
This study aims to describe and interpret the concepts of integral education that guide the
educational practice of teachers, tutors and teaching staff of a public school in Sinop-MT. It
also aims to know the experiences of the group made in articulation with the school in the
implementation of More Education Program. The Program was instituted by the Ministry of
Education, Ordinance n. 17, from April 24, 2007, and regulated by n. 7083 document, from
January 27, 2010. It aims to induce states and municipalities to offer full-time education; the
Program proposes the expansion of opportunities and the redefinition of spaces, inside and
outside the school, making them educational; it also encourages interaction between family,
school and community through the enhancement of community knowledge in the construction
of scientific knowledge. It is funded by the Federal Government through the Money Direct to
School Program. It is a case study, a phenomenological qualitative research, based in Husserl
(1859-1938), Merleau-Ponty (1908 -1961), Rezende (1990), Martins (2005) and Bicudo
(2011). Semi-structured interviews were conducted with teaching staff, teachers and monitors,
as well as participant observation. For theoretical background, the research sought in the
history of education, the roots of the debate on integral education from the ideas of the French
Revolution and the contributions of Dewey. In the Brazilian context, these ideas culminated in
the Manifesto of the Pioneers of the New School in 1932. The study also reflects on the
democratization movement and struggle for offering quality education in Brazil according to
Anísio Teixeira and Darcy Ribeiro thought; the concept of integral education in a libertarian
perspective, as conceived by Paulo Freire is a part of the discussion; finally, it presents
experiences implementation of integral education with different designs in different periods,
in addition to contextualize More Education Program in the state of Mato Grosso and in
Sinop. The research exposed different conceptions of holistic education. The interviewees
defined it as: the concept of holistic education to a full-time perspective; the expansion of
school time to offer diverse and enjoyable activities; the expansion of time and space (outside
the classrooms, but in the schoolyard), putting together traditional and practices classes;
an integration of teaching shifts with classes taught by the same teacher and expansion of
curriculum; they also defined it as a pedagogical work with all areas of knowledge in an
interdisciplinary perspective, forming the student for life in society; overcoming the mindbody dualism; that kind of education is a contribution to child‟s protection and to develop the
whole man; the data also points an informal and formal education junction in
school, improvement of life and overall school support. The subjects also described the
meaning of the Program. In their perspectives they reveal it is an instrument of discipline,
testing for integral education, life experience and even fullness of life, in a self-fulfillment
meaning. Based on their experiences, the subjects described the trajectory of the Program in
their school. They pointed out the difficulties of implementation, needs, perspectives,
challenges to overcome and suggested actions for improve the Program.