Condição de saúde bucal em escolares de 12 anos de idade de Nova Mutum/MT
2012-04-11Registro en:
CARVALHO, Christianny de Souza. Condição de saúde bucal em escolares de 12 anos de idade de Nova Mutum/MT. 2012. 118 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Saúde Coletiva) - Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Instituto de Saúde Coletiva, Cuiabá, 2012.
Espinosa, Mariano Martínez
Volpato, Luiz Evaristo Ricci
Espinosa, Mariano Martínez
Martins, Maria Silvia Amicucci Soares
Borges, Alvaro Henrique
To analyze the oral health of 12 year-old students in the municipality of
Nova Mutum-MT through the prevalence of caries, periodontal condition and fluorosis.
Method: Transversal study with 538 12 year-old students from public and private
schools of Nova Mutum/MT. For this epidemiological survey, clinical examination and
socioeconomic questionnaire were conducted, both based on national survey of oral
health – SB 2010 Brazil. Through clinical examination, data were collected on dental
caries (decayed, missing and filled teeth index, DMFT), dental fluorosis (Dean index)
and periodontal condition (community periodontal index, CPI). The questionnaire,
which was applied to the parents of the students, showed demographic, socioeconomic
and behavioral profiles in order to contextualize the results. To verify the association
between the dependent variables (prevalence of caries, fluorosis and periodontal
condition) with independent variables (gender, race, type of school, location of housing,
family income, parents ' education, oral hygiene habits and access to dental services)
was used by bivariate analysis Chi-square test at significance level of 5%, and those
variables that exhibited statistically significant association (p<0,20) were selected for
analysis through Multivariate regression model of Poison. Results: the prevalence of
dental caries was 56.31%, while that of fluorosis and periodontal condition was 9.5%
and 15.2% respectively. The results showed low DMFT index (1.80) in 12 year old
students in Nova Mutum/MT and the component Filled beats of Decayed, showing an
increase in access to dental services. Statistically significant association was observed
between the variable DMFT index and the variables type of school, race, family income,
number of teeth brushing, use of orthodontic appliance, use of fluoride mouthwash, use
of fluoride dental gel and dental consultation over the past 12 months. Both variables
Fluorosis and Periodontal Condition, showed statistically significant association with
gender and family income variables. Conclusions: in General, there were good oral
health among schoolchildren assessed, however the DMFT index must be improved in
order to achieve the recommended by WHO. Considering that dental caries, periodontal
diseases and fluorosis are public health problems in the country, and that there is a lack
of data on the prevalence of such problems in children and adolescents in the State of
Mato Grosso, it is necessary the adoption of risk assessment tools and the addition of
longitudinal care in Oral health policy of the municipality to ensure the maintenance of
dental health of individuals, in particular those most vulnerable.