Fatores associados ao distúrbio de voz em professores da rede pública estadual do município de Cuiabá/MT
2013-04-22Registro en:
VALENTE, Adriana Maria Silva Lima. Fatores associados ao distúrbio de voz em professores da rede pública estadual do município de Cuiabá/MT. 2013. 77 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Saúde Coletiva) - Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Instituto de Saúde Coletiva, Cuiabá, 2013.
Botelho, Clovis
Silva, Ageo Mário Cândido da
Botelho, Clovis
Guimarães, Lenir Vaz
Luccia, Gabriela Coelho Pereira de
The teachers are the professional category with highest prevalence of
voice disorders compared to the general population. Studies related to working
conditions and to illness vocals contributed in understand the complex health-disease
dynamics in this population group since environmental and organizational factors are
widely recognized as contributors to vocal wear. Objective - To analyze the factors
associated with voice disorders of public schools teachers in Cuiabá-MT. Methods -
We conducted a cross-sectional study with 317 teachers in primary and secondary
education, from August 2012 to November 2012. For data collection we used the
self-referencing questionnaire called Condition Vocal Production - Teacher (CPV-P).
The dependent variable was the voice disorder self-reported and the independent
variables sociodemographic characteristics and aspects of occupational and nonoccupational
nature. Analyse descriptive, bivariate, stratified and multiple were
performed through the Epi-Info 2000 version 3.5.1 and SPSS for Windows version
15.0. Results - The prevalence of voice disorder self-reported by teachers was 81%
whose associated factors were work in noisy school (p=0.028), presence of dust in
the workplace (p=0.002), stressful work rate (p<0.001 ), take work home (p=0.017),
stress at work (p<0.001), speak at open place (p=0.044) and talk loading weight
(p=0.022). In analyzes stratified by level of education was identified that among
elementary school teachers only the presence of dust in the workplace (PR=1,37;
p<0.001) was associated with voice disorder. In the other group of teachers the
associated factors were work in noisy school (PR = 1,41; p=0.04), stressful work rate
(PR=1,81; p<0.001), repetitive work (PR=1,18; p=0.032), take work home
(PR=1,80; p=0.024), and stress at work (PR=2.47; p<0.001). In the multiple analysis,
by the Poisson Regression, the stress at work (PR=2.40; p=0,047) remained
associated with voice disorder among teachers. Conclusion - Was identified high
prevalence of voice disorders among teachers which showed associations with
environmental conditions and work organization and vocal aspects. As for the level
of education, among elementary school teachers, only dust in the workplace was
associated to the voice disorder. In the group that includes other teachers, factors
such as work in noisy school, stressful work rate, repetitive work, take work home
and work stress were associated with voice disorder. In the final model stress at work
remained associated with the voice disorder.